Rock Your Brain Fest, la journée du Dimanche
10 septembre 2022 0 Par Erwan MeunierLe Dimanche au Rock Your Brain Fest. Les 24 et 25 juillet dernier se tenait le Rock Your Brain Summer Edition à Sélestat. Festival en plein air sur deux jours. Un vendredi plus teinté rock et metal et un samedi un peu plus punk. Marie d’Emm s’y trouvait pour Warm TV et nous en ramène une fois encore de superbes clichés.
Focus sur le dimanche 24 juillet.
Through their tireless energy, DUST IN MIND have spent the past few years growing, experiencing efficiently and is now well and truly established in the European Metal landscape.
They deliver a modern/groovy metal band illustrated with non-stop videos, new singles and exclusive content. The French band from Strasbourg is signed on the German label DARKTUNES Music Group on which they released 3 albums. The band has had already a big taste of international stages a part of tours through Europe alongside Pain, Jinjer, Arch Enemy, Soilwork, Infected Rain etc. And through their own true personality, their highly anticipated fourth studio album, CTRL is not only certification, but the confirmation that the expansion of Dust In Mind is redoubtable.
They illustrate it with breathtaking videos, being the one and only metal band on top of the Eiffel Tower for a music video. They are now unstoppable !
“Vowed to Decline” is the culmination after years of introspection. Drawing its origins from traditional extreme scenes (Enslaved, At The Gates …) as well as more recent and innovative movements (Der Weg Einer Freiheit, Deafheaven …), the album offers a unique and unprecedented vision, mixing death metal gimmicks and black metal influences to a wave of melancholy, peculiar to our time. The resulting music is intense, intimate and unbridled.
Cellar Darling are a heavy progressive folk rock band from Lucerne, Switzerland, established in the summer of 2016 after Anna Murphy (vocals, hurdy-gurdy, multi instrumentalist), Merlin Sutter (drums) and Ivo Henzi (guitars and bass) left Swiss folk metallers Eluveitie. Having played together in their previous band for over a decade, the three musicians set out to embark on a new, different path.
« Deez Nuts are an Australian hardcore punk band that formed in Melbourne in 2007. The lineup currently consists of vocalist JJ Peters, guitarist Matt Rogers a.k.a Real Bad, and drummer Alex Salinger. The band has released one EP and six studio albums. »
Duo hors normes, deux jeunes artistes qui proposent des compositions rock bien trempées, originales et novatrices. Voix rauque mais mélodieuse, guitare électro-acoustique, batterie puissante et groovy. Ils se tiennent bien à distance des cases et étiquettes : improbables et imprévisibles ils livrent une musique riche et imposent leur sauce en repoussant les barrières des genres musicaux.
JINJER closed 2021 with over 70 concerts including many summer festivals, a short tour of mainland Europe and a hugely successful two month North American Tour, proving to the band and their fans that Metal music is here to stay … and so are JINJER …
to be continued.
A stunning set of five covers unlike any other, played as only this expressively dynamic duo ever could – the Fish Food EP arrives this year with a lineup of songs that has Opal Ocean exploring the music of Joe Satriani, the White Stripes, System Of A Down, Infected Mushroom, and Pink Floyd – the latter of which will be the inspiration & original authors behind their lead-single “Time” complete with a spectacularly scenic video shot in collaboration with Open Shutter Media to support their artistically gripping variation.
The Sisters of Mercy [ðə ˈsɪstəz ə ˈmɜːsɪ]4 est un groupe de rock gothique britannique, originaire de Leeds, en Angleterre. Il est formé en 1980 par Andrew Eldritch et Gary Marx.
Andrew Eldritch déclare que le nom du groupe est inspiré d’une chanson de Leonard Cohen où la locution « the sisters of mercy » désignerait alternativement un ordre religieux du même nom et des prostituées. Une autre explication, plus probable[pourquoi ?], existe quant à l’origine du nom du groupe qui serait une référence aux sœurs de la Famille Brontë, écrivaines originaires de Leeds comme le groupe. Très influent dans les milieux gothiques, le groupe n’a pourtant sorti que trois albums en plus de 30 ans d’existence. Le travail sur le son et la mélodie a toujours caractérisé leurs œuvres. Leurs concerts sont souvent décrits comme une « expérience », incluant des nappes de fumée épaisse accompagnées d’effets lumineux.
King Buffalo is the trio of vocalist/guitarist Sean McVay, bassist Dan Reynolds, and drummer Scott Donaldson. Since forming in 2013, the self-proclaimed « heavy psych » band has made its name via 4 EPs, 4 Full-lengths, and tours with the likes of Clutch, All Them Witches, Uncle Acid & the deadbeats, The Sword and Elder.
POWERWOLF – a name that fills every disciple of melodic heavy metal with joy and stands for a successful quintet that needs no more introduction after 15 years of steep ascent. The anniversary was celebrated with a best-of release in 2020, which united the highlights of all six studio albums released to date – including both long-running hits from early works, and more recent hits from the gold-awarded records Blessed & Possessed and The Sacrament Of Sin, such as the platinum hit single “Demons Are A Girl’s Best Friend”. Now, only about 12 months later, arguably the most successful pack of the contemporary German metal fauna is ready with bared fangs for the next bloody foray…
For Foster, music has always been a refuge, a gateway to other worlds. His father’s Led Zeppelin and Black Sabbath albums and his mother’s old rock’n’roll singles provided escape from the realities of growing up poor in Montreal. “That town does not treat poor people well,” he says. “I come from a difficult background, very blue collar. Music kept us together as a family. It was the most beautiful gift I could have received. My parents had nothing, and, in music, they gave me everything.”
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Wardruna is a Norwegian music constellation dedicated to creating musical renditions of ancient Norse and Nordic traditions. We use a broad selection of both traditional and historical Nordic instruments. Non-traditional instruments and other sources of sound such as trees, stones, bones, water and fire are used to enhance the nature of the theme being ‘portrayed’ in each case. Thorough research and serious study form an important foundation for our music, but the ultimate intention is not to copy or recreate music from any specific time period. We take thoughts, tools and methods from the past and use them to create new music which builds on the contemporary as well as the ancient.