De Belgrade au Gueulard Plus
28 mars 2023 0 Par MarieAna Popovic l’âme Blues ! Le 15 mars dernier Ana Popovic, guitariste virtuose née à Belgrade, se produisait sur scène au Gueulard Plus. Marie nous en ramène une fois encore toute une série de clichés souvenirs.
Ana Popovic
Ana Popovic est née à Belgrade mais l’âme du blues coule assurément dans ses veines. En vingt ans de carrière, où elle aura partagé la scène avec Jo Bonamassa, B.B. King ou encore Jeff Beck, la chanteuse et guitariste a su se renouveler en puisant dans le jazz, la funk ou la pop. Récompensée à de multiples reprises aux États-Unis, où elle réside désormais, la lady de l’Est passée à l’Ouest continue à nous faire chalouper sur des titres imparables.
Le Gueulard Plus
Ana Popovic l’âme Blues
Ana was initially introduced to the blues by her father, a storied musician in Belgrade. She took up guitar as a teenager and formed her first band, Hush, in 1995. She started the Ana Popovic band in 2000 and never stopped touring. She proudly states that she has the best job in the world, and it’s the only job I ever had. » Ana recorded her debut album, also named Hush, in 1999 and subsequently moved to the Netherlands to study jazz guitar and other musical pursuits at the Conservatory of Music. Now affiliated with ArtisteXclusive Records, she claims no less than twelve albums in her storied catalog.
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She’s learning a new instrument – playing drums. Popovic performed 150 shows in 2020, and she’s directing music videos. The “Recipe Is Romance”music video is, more than anything else, a strong message to all women that « you can still feel attractive, you can feel sexy, feel good in your skin, even if you’re still recovering after such life struggles, you can reinvent yourself and find power in that.”